It has been a long time since my last post and with good reason. My wife gave birth to our first child 3 weeks ago and so naturally our lives over the last 3 months have been centered on preparing for and tending to our new bundle of pooh... I mean joy. At any rate, I've compiled some images that I've taken of Walker along with some other stuff representative of my current head space to help break it up a bit.

Gina at 38 weeks looking fabulous.

We did a fun shoot to commemorate her prego bod.

I shot this from the roof of tower 44 at Park La Brea the evening before the contractions started

Our cats have no idea whats to come

This is the sunset on Toes beach the evening that Gina had her first contraction

This is not a contraction... just a cool pic

Okay lil man, seriously... get out
Now, if I showed you photos of Gina having contractions, which I did shoot, she'd probably divorce me so we'll just skip right over that 30 HOURS! and get to pics of the boy

Walker and mom roughly two hours after he arrived looking totally blissed out and in love

The midwives are preparing to take the boys weight.

8 lbs 8 ozs! Much better than 10 lbs 8 ozs which is what I weighed upon birth. Needless to say,
this factoid had Gina a bit worried

"What in gods name is going on! " says Bella who stayed with us in the room through all of it. Good kitty! Where's Bo you ask? He bailed out at the first contraction. Nice Bo, real nice.

Ginas mom came to visit and help a week after he was born.
She was such a great support and really helped us make the transition.

Walkers yawn face is my favorite next to his smily gas face

Out... he sleeps like I do, furrowed brow and all

Its hard to tell from this image but he's got giant feet!

Baby's first headshot

Just the other day Walker got to meet his new pal Farrah Ivy. Our dear friends Phinny and Andrea gave birth to Farrah just five weeks earlier.

This is what he looks like in the rare moment between sleep and fussing

Walker started his fitness regimen yesterday and this morning he was very excited to show us the results.
Not long now before I start dressing him up in ridiculous costumes for photo shoots!